1: The anticipated House of the Dragon series introduces Cregan Stark, fixing a major Ned Stark change in Game of Thrones.

2: Cregan Stark's arrival in House of the Dragon corrects a significant departure from George R.R. Martin's original vision.

3: Fans are excited for House of the Dragon to address the "Ned change" by adding Cregan Stark to the storyline.

4: House of the Dragon's inclusion of Cregan Stark remedies a pivotal alteration in the Game of Thrones narrative.

5: The introduction of Cregan Stark in House of the Dragon rectifies a notable deviation from the source material.

6: House of the Dragon's portrayal of Cregan Stark will help reconcile the Ned Stark discrepancy from Game of Thrones.

7: Fans of the franchise have high hopes as House of the Dragon looks to course-correct the Ned Stark issue through Cregan Stark.

8: Cregan Stark's involvement in House of the Dragon aims to address the significant Ned Stark change in Game of Thrones lore.

9: House of the Dragon's adaptation with Cregan Stark seeks to bring the series back in line with George R.R. Martin's original vision.